Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Holidays

With the holiday season that has come to an end I’m sure no one suspected that saying “merry  Christmas” would become an issue.  But guess what… it has, a 5th year high school student was offended when her school found it best not to wish this upon everyone in respect to other cultures. In fact the girl was so frustrated with this that she decided to vent on nothing other than Face book… that’s a shocker. She found it appropriate to suggest on her post that she goes walking through her school dressed up as Santa screaming “merry Christmas to the Arabs, pakis, towel heads and whatever other race doesn’t like it.”

 Now if you haven’t heard about this story it was published in the Windsor star about a month ago, this girl went to Kennedy high school and after hearing about this I was shocked. I understand her point of view that yes; they should have the right to say “merry Christmas” since to some people saying that just comes naturally. However there is the alternative, one could simply say “happy holidays” it still has the same meaning.  This girl didn’t realize how offending her post was, she felt offended that she couldn’t defend something she believed in without getting suspended but the real issue here was the fact that she expressed her opinion by offending others.

 Arabs, pakis any kind of culture I can personally tell you that I know plenty of people like this who actually take part in this season just because its known worldwide.  This incident goes to show just how criticism towards Arabs/Muslims does take place even in Windsor.


  1. I read that in the Newspaper and it sickened me! Muslims don't push their holidays on Christians, so what gives Christians the right to push their Holidays? Not only did she try to push a religious holiday, she also used derogatory words. I just don't understand what goes on in people's brains!

  2. To be quiet honest, I think this whole situation is bogus. I believe we are in Canada a very multicultural country and everyone has their right to greet people in their holiday season how ever they they intend too! Seriously Muslims feel insulted by a simple "Merry Christmas"? ... Like there are far more serious problems in the world then a simple "Merry Christmas". Also it's not like anyone is stopping us from saying "Happy Eid" too who ever correct? But what ever say they are getting offended by this greeting, who's this girl from Kennedy to start that, seems too me like poor 5th year didn't get enough attention in her four years at Kennedy so she decided too do something with her life ... People these days.
