Sunday, January 22, 2012

Caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad

Art is used to describe things that are indescribable by words; however in Denmark 2005 someone took it upon themselves to use this talent to offend a certain religion, Islam.  Caricatures of the prophet Muhammad were drawn and published by the Danish newspaper.  This situation was talked about all over the world since I still remember the day I heard about it, I was in total shock. Why would someone go out of their way to disrespect a Prophet when there was no reasoning for it?
Many protests were held and people of Islam did take action in order to stop these caricatures from being published any more.  The pictures involved the Prophet Muhammad wearing a turban in the shape of a bomb. Also many pictures displayed the Prophet imposing violence on others. These pictures criticizing the Islamic ways and one picture even displayed the Prophet as a pedophile. Just so you know writing that last part of the previous sentence was even hard for me… it’s actually horrible to see what people think of this religion and the ones who founded it.
These pictures were so disrespectful and demeaning to the people who believe in their faith. Targeting a prophet doesn’t help any situation, on the contrary it aloud even more problems to take places. Islam just like any other religion contains its rules and its sacred people who made the religion what it is today. By drawing these caricatures you’re not only disrespecting the Prophet but every Muslim in the world. The images displayed Islam and its Prophet in a horrible way and I personally believe that these drawings are a sinful act. 
Now I’m sure the Prophet Muhammad isn’t the only one who’s had disrespectful caricatures drawn after him. I’ve heard many stories about other important people from other religions having the same thing done about them. All I can say is that everything has its limits, drawing pictures regarding certain religions is crossing those limits.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone is entitled to their opinions that being said this is downright wrong. No one should make fun of another persons religion, if they don't agree with it that's their problem but they shouldn't be insulting someone else's religion and belittling it based on stereotypes and prejudices. I didn't hear about the caricature in Denmark, but I'm certain the guy that drew that got in a lot of trouble. Nice blog :)!
