Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Niqab ban in France

As my previous blog discussed certain issues regarding the Hijab, this blog will discuss the law against Muslim Women wearing the Niqab in France. Now if you're wondering what exactly is a Niqab, it would be a black veil that a good amount of Muslim women wear that covers the entire body including the face; only the eyes are visible. A law that Nicholas Sarkozy tried imposing in France last year was that no Muslim women would be allowed to go out publicly wearing the Niqab.

 "From 11 April women will be banned from wearing the Niqab – full-face Muslim veil – in any public place, including while walking down the street, taking a bus, at a bank, library or shop, or in a cinema or theatre. It will be illegal for a woman in Niqab to visit the Louvre, or any other museum, take a train, visit a hospital or collect her child from school."( Just by reading this passage taken from a news article it's clear to see to what extent this law is being enforced. I find it to be wrong, they are attempting to take away the freedom of a Muslim women exploring France while representing her religion if wearing the Niqab. The Niqab represents purity and innocence just like the Hijab and I don't believe it's in anyone’s hands to decide whether or not someone can wear it.

On the other hand I do understand that this law is being imposed because of safety regulations. In France they believe that the Niqab interferes with the eye sight of the woman, not allowing her to see to her full potential. However I still don't see that as a good enough excuse for banning the freedom of wearing this sacred piece of clothing. If France has a fear of someone possibly using the Niqab as a disguise that still doesn't give them a reason to completely eliminate every single Muslim woman’s right in wearing one. The Niqab is meant to be worn in respect of the religion, if one would use it as a disguise and commit a crime then I believe that that person alone should be punished, not the entire population of Muslim women in France. With that being said it’s clear to see that I am completely against this law.


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