Sunday, January 8, 2012


For this blog I’ll be completely honest I had writers block and didn’t quite know what to talk about. I did a little research and decided to give you guys a bit of history on incidents that have occurred in Canada regarding the Hijab. As almost everyone knows the Hijab is a symbolic head scarf that most Muslim woman wear since it is part of the Islamic religion.

Now even at our school Lajeunesse we have rules that apply to what colors are allowed for girls who wear the Hijab. Although I personally find those rules unnecessary since come on…  the colourful pieces of the Hijab are similar to a headband that every other girl wears would it really matter if someone wanted to wear a blue head scarf… but anyways that’s just my opinion can’t really change school rules.  

On the other hand, in Quebec during the years 1994-1995 there was some controversy concerning girls who wore the Hijab to school. A young girl was sent home because of the fact that she wore the head scarf, the school’s reasoning was that it is against the dress code; the girl stood out from her peers. Also some parents were even asked whether or not they had forced their daughters in wearing the head scarf.  With that being said, it’s quite sad to see that back then they allowed something that was symbolic to a religion lead someone to punishment and interrogation.  

Even today I’ve seen firsthand discrimination towards woman who choose to wear the Hijab. I’d also like to get one thing straight the Hijab is a choice a Muslim woman makes to relate even more to her religion, parents don’t force their daughters to wear the Hijab in fact it’s a sin to force someone in doing so, however I can’t speak on behalf of every Muslim out there. 

Also don’t get me wrong a woman who chooses not to wear the head scarf shouldn’t be considered less faithful , everyone comes to things at their own terms and should do what they find best for them.

1 comment:

  1. I completely respect the fact the girls wear a Hijab and it's pretty sickening that some people can't. It's their religion, you don't see Christians being hated on for wearing a rosary, Muslims should not be discriminated because they respect their religion. On the other hand, I disagree with you about the colour of the hijabs at our school, only because no one (not a specific religion) can wear a different colour tank-top, so it would make sense in that way because it's a very visible article of clothing and they want it to look 100% uniformed, I definitely respect your opinion though! :)
