Sunday, January 22, 2012

In conclusion

There you have it, nine blogs explaining with words and images what Muslims have encountered throughout history. 9/11; Terry Jones; Ground Zero; All American Muslims; happy holidays; the hijab; the niqab; airport security and last but not least the caricature drawings are all topics that reflect the true Muslim issues that have happened in the past and are currently taking place. It is because of these incidents that Muslims have been stereotyped and it is because of these stories that one can see both sides to the situations that have happened. 

Throughout my blogs you probably got the idea that I truly do believe in my faith and I'm not afraid to comment on the topics that I find are disrespecting it. Everything that has happened in order to bring down Islam I find has only made it a stronger religion. If I could wish one thing, it would be for the stereotypes against Muslims to come to an end since everyone has their own way of doing things and they shouldn't be judged for it.

It’s funny, if you notice all of the topics followed after 9/11, after that day Muslim issues have grown even more and it's sad to see that because of a group of people who committed a crime everyone from that faith pays the price.

I hope that these blogs didn't offend anyone who read them, I just had a very strong opinion that I believe was visible during my comments.  All in all, respect should be a mutual thing; everyone has their own faith and should have the freedom to practice it in whatever way they choose.

I really hope you enjoyed reading my blogs, until next time.

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