Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Terry Jones

September 11th 2010 a Florida pastor found it to be his duty to make an international burn the Quran day where he and others would burn multiple copies of the Quran. Every time I hear the name Terry Jones I associate it with a selfish man planning to burn this sacred document for no reason. Even if Terry used the excuse of 9\11 to do this sinful act, I still don’t see just how this tragic event of 9\11 should lead to the destruction of the Quran. Just like the Bible is a holy book, so is the Quran and just like all Catholics would be offended if someone even mentioned to burn the Bible so would Muslim for the Quran. Therefore it’s clear to see that just the idea of burning this sacred document would lead to many more problems in the world.

Now personally I’ve read the Quran and I do follow my religion, when I hear of a man planning on doing such a horrible thing I was definitely furious. We can take the middle eastern war as an example here, Muslims and Catholics in Lebanon were killed by Israelis and vice-versa however none of these two parties have ever thought of burning one another’s Quran or Torah. When it comes to religion there should be respect no matter what, you’d be surprised as to how much you could offend a person when you decide to disrespect their religion.

What I found to be funny with this whole situation would be how the White House was worried more about what would happen to their troops in Afghanistan if Terry was to go through with the burning of the Quran. This was funny since they worried more about that then how offending this act would be to America’s Muslim society. What was even more ironic was that a pastor was the one committing this sinful act... a pastor.. someone who should find it within himself to respect religions since they strongly believe in their own. All in all Terry Jones did not complete the burning of the Quran, however it doesn’t take an act to offend someone, sometimes all it takes is a thought.

* Might I add in the picture above it's clear to see that he didn't even spell Quran right even though in the picture below he's holding the holy book with the title written correctly on the front... found that to be kind of funny..

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Terry Jones is not the most intelligent man, as we can see from the picture you had pointed out. He should never have come up with the idea of burning the Quran because it would have been very disrespectful, therefore I'm really glad that he didn't do it. On that note I would like to point out that this argument is not one sided, regarding the burning of sacred documents and or symbols. In the news I have seen many reports about riots in the middle east, and we see video clips of them burning things of sentimental value aswell. The link I posted below shows a picture of a group of muslims burning the cross (a symbol of the christian faith). In the end I want to make it clear that I am completely against any disrespectful act that is done publically to create attention and to offend a specific race, culture or religion. People that do this are as you have said, both selfish and ignorant. Though the simple fact remains that it is not a one sided issue and unfortunately there's not much we can do to control it.


    -Nick M
