Wednesday, November 23, 2011



As many of you are already aware 9/11 is known to be the day that both twin towers in New York City were targeted by two airplanes hijacked by a group of men identified as Arabs. Sadly on this day many lives were lost, however what`s even more unfortunate would be the discrimination towards the Arab race that took place ever since then. This topic can be viewed from many different points of views. Some may agree with these ‘Arabs are terrorists’ stereotypes because of the way this event had affected them. Others may find this accusation to be a bit judgmental.

This tragic event basically placed all Arabs on the same boat all because of a few people’s actions. Many individuals might not even realize that directing the joke ‘Terrorist’ to an Arab can be quite offending even if that was not the intention. Now if you really think about it, that remark would not be made if it weren’t for the stereotypes and accusation done and empowered by the media and even by ignorance.

After watching many documentaries about 9/11 I find it quite offending in the way the directors present the Arab characters.. badly I might add. By promoting theses movies on a day that should be for remembering the lives that were lost. The media is feeding the fire by reenacting a past event. Now I’ve previously seen a commercial where an Arab woman explained how a lady from a different race was afraid to be on the same plane as her because she was Arab. This definitely ties into the whole 9/11 Arab stereotyping since if it wasn’t for this tragic event, no one would have a problem being on the same plane as an Arab. As sad as this event is, it just as wrong to judge a whole race based on this day. Respect should still be given and received from both ends.

TLC commercial